Because everyone deserves a good gathering.
All postsCoachingLeadership & Management
Fri, Jul 14, 2023
by Francie Jain
Management Coaching: Invest in Strong Managerial Skills

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All postsCoachingLeadership & Management
Fri, Jul 14, 2023
by Francie Jain
Leadership Coaching for Executive Teams

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All postsLeadership & Management
Fri, Sep 1, 2023
by Jessica Hartung
Leading By Listening

Listening is essential to discovering opportunities, dangers, and a path forward. Winning teams depend on listening for effective strategy, collaboration, and context.  When we listen to understand, to uncover what really matters to the speaker, we glean mission-critical information.

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All postsCorporate CultureLeadership & Management
Mon, Jun 10, 2024
by Francie Jain
NextGen HiPo

In the world of learning and development (L&D), there’s a decades-old concept of developing an employer’s most promising workers distinctly from their peers, and it’s known as High Potential Employee Development–HiPo for short. Ironically, the promise of HiPo programs has yet to be realized.

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