Mili Ristic

Mindset and Leadership Coach
Aspiring Executives, C-suite, HR Leaders, Leaders,

Mili Ristić is a mindset and leadership coach who helps her clients take their lives and businesses to the next level. She helps clients find the root cause of the problem in their results, behavior, and psychology, helps them identify what holds them back, and helps shift this at the subconscious level. She helps create a permanent change in the mindset. Once that happens, the shift in results becomes automatic, and success is inevitable.


Her unique background in serving a wide variety of clients gives her an outside-the-box approach to building relationships and seeking solutions for their unique challenges.


After a career spanning more than two decades in the corporate world, she obtained personal and professional development certification from the Proctor-Gallagher Institute. And she never stopped growing and expanding her awareness.


Today, Mili is working with business leaders and their teams to achieve exponential growth personally and professionally. She is also a special adviser to the Global Millenium Development Foundation under the United Nations. She holds the Excellence in Education Award from The Heal Conference.


Mili is an entrepreneur, speaker, and mentor.


Her superpower is contagious energy and leaving everyone with the impression of an increase.




Faculty of Service Business, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia.
Enrolled in 2003 – Graduated in 2007.
Graduated Economist.




Proctor Gallagher Institute – LA, California

Theta Healing Basic

Theta Healing Advanced


 I am the only avanturist in the family who emigrated in my 20is from Serbia to the USA!

LeadershipMindfulnessTeam Building

Be a human.  Power of your Mind and how to use it rightly.  How to Become Self Aware Leader and why does it matter.

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